Ive come up with an idea for the alternate relm, its done in stages to do with a boy becoming a man
for example:
one based around strength
one based around voice, the way it cracks, transforming
one based around sexuality, with both male and female figures looking attractive, causing confusion and conflict
one based around ancestory, the father and mother figure, looking up to them etc and the past
one for loss, loss of his childhood
thats all i can think of... but basically the changes both physical and mental that happen around puberty for a young man
ofc it would be all dark suggestive and everything having a meaning
what do you guys think? does stages sound good.. like levels of hell or whatever either seperated by posts, houses, rooms, walls or they fad into eachother throughout the gameplay, the player only realising like right in the middle of the "level" or whatever, the area that its different or symbolises somethign different.
I liked the courage idea , to prove himself he goes off to do something stupid , and ends up in the "spirit world", and then wants to find his way out!